zondag 11 september 2011


Blue ombre hair. Something I wanted for so long.
I was waiting and looking for the perfect blue dye to do it myself (since I don't trust hair dressers ,read my previous post about my hair). But I was really too lazy to wait or handle all the trouble of internetshopping.
So, so , so on a blue friday, I was sick and bored in my couch. Saw my bottle of ecoline starring at me. Dip , dip and a few seconds later I had the result I wanted. And the crazy part was that the color really stays, I washed it 4,5 times already and its still there :O.
Totally budget and effort friendly. Just the way I like it :)

zondag 10 juli 2011

donderdag 10 maart 2011

Ring a ding

I wish I had 20 fingers
and a lot of cash

maandag 7 maart 2011

dinsdag 1 februari 2011

woensdag 19 januari 2011

And then there was warmth

I love it when its sunny
I can lay in my bed while bathing in the sun

dinsdag 18 januari 2011

Once I bought a printer

I had the biggest plans for him and me..
But I have only used it twice..
The automatic test print included
how sad